
Stakeholders have interests that can be affected by decisions made by a Groundwater Sustainability Agency; stakeholders often include individuals, businesses, schools, land stewardship organizations, and state government agencies.

Recognizing that public and stakeholder engagement serves an important function in the successful development and implementation of a responsive and well-supported GSP, the Agency is pursuing a robust engagement program.

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Communications and Engagement Plan

The Communications and Engagement Plan's purpose is to promote local involvement and reflect the value that the Montecito Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Agency) places on local stakeholder participation.

Adopted by the Board on April 14, 2020, this CEP is a living document designed to provide a guide for public involvement through the development and submittal of the GSP. The anticipated timeline for these activities is through the several year time period in which the GSP is prepared and approved. As the Agency gets closer to completion of the GSP, this CEP may be reviewed and adapted to provide for community outreach and engagement through GSP implementation.

click image to download PDF

A vital, ongoing task of the Agency is to proactively solicit engagement
and involve diverse representation throughout the GSP development process.