Well Registry

GSP Projects

The required well registry will provide a more comprehensive and current dataset, and a better means of contacting and communicating with well owners in the future as needed. 

The Groundwater Sustainability Plan adopted in May, 2023, calls for the completion of a groundwater well registry, which is further defined in Ordinance 1.  The registry is designed to collect missing data such as well owner/operator contact information, well activity status, and well descriptions.

In addition to being essential for increasing the reliability of Basin modeling and accuracy of groundwater monitoring, the registry will provide a better means of contacting and communicating with well owners. This registry is particularly important if the GSA detects any future issues that groundwater users would want to be informed of, for example groundwater quality degradation or seawater intrusion.

The Property Owner and/or Operator of a Groundwater Extraction Facility must provide, in full, the information requested on the Montecito GSA’s Well Registration Form.

The Montecito Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency’s mission is to ensure a reliable and sustainable groundwater supply for the community through effective basin management pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.